Friday, September 14, 2007

Possible Future Goals

So I think i've decided that i'll be studying the sociology of sex and sex in cultures and religions for my graduate studies and dissertation. its something thats going to be interesting. Its always been interesting and i just cant wait.

PS: sites coming soon. as are vocabulary, literature, artwork, findings, cultures, etc.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Main Reason....

Why i am here, why you are here....

this blog is to educate those who are willing...

It's going to be about societies, about cultures, about religions, about useless trivia. Its going to be a place to share ideas, compare findings, anything and everything to exercise the mind...

With all the anthropology classes i'm taking and will be taking, with all the cultures i'll be learning about, and all the trivia i'll acquire, i want to share it someplace... Someplace where people can get together and feel whole, not alone, and intelligent.